

The Malaysian Insurance and Takaful Brokers Association (MITBA), formerly known as The Insurance Brokers Association of Malaysia (IBAM), is the only national body of insurance and takaful brokers. It was registered with the Registrar of Societies on 3rd December 1974. MITBA serves as the collective voice of the industry, providing advice to its members, the regulator, consumers, trade associations, and other stakeholders on key insurance issues.

MITBA also offers training, technical advice, guidance on regulation, and business support. Our role is to elevate the status of insurance and takaful brokers through professional development and by establishing improved standards of qualification and ethical practices.

MITBA members adhere to strict standards of conduct, professionalism, and practice. This ensures that they maintain the highest ethical standards and the utmost good faith, the foundation of the insurance business, in all activities in which they are engaged.

The MITBA Board of Directors consists of nine (9) elected representatives who are chosen every 2 years during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) from its membership. They meet monthly for official Board meeting to provide direction and ideas. In addition, sub-committees and special task forces are established to address a wide range of interests, allowing members to discuss relevant topics with their peers, gain more insights into issues of importance, and formulate business plans and strategies to further promote healthy market practices.

The MITBA secretariat provides day-to-day administration and support to the Association.


We are the sole organisation that upholds the highest standards of professionalism, conduct and practice for Insurance and Takaful Brokers in Malaysia.

We are the single platform of advancing the interests of brokers and enhancing awareness of their vital role in trade and commerce.


To be the organisation recognised for uplifting the professionalism of insurance and takaful brokers whilst growing their market share by promoting the vital services and benefits provided to insurance buyer.


The main objectives of the Association are:

  • To elevate their status, safeguard and advance their interests, and enhance their overall efficiency and professional conduct. To achieve these objectives, the Association has developed a Code of Ethics and Conduct, Insurance Brokers' Accounting Standards, Brokerage/Fee Sharing Guidelines, Client's Charter, and the Insurance Introducer Agreement for all members to adhere to. All these documents were drawn under the guidance of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). The implementation of these documents has further improved the level of professionalism among brokers in Malaysia.
  • To ensure that employees of members are professionally qualified, knowledgeable about insurance laws and practices, and informed about current developments that impact the insurance industry in general and insurance brokers in particular.
  • To provide a platform for the promotion of discipline, professional conduct, and etiquette.
  • To promote the healthy growth of the insurance industry in alignment with the aspiration of the national objectives.


MITBA requires all members of the Association to maintain professional standards at all times. MITBA members shall therefore comply with the fundamental principles governing the professional code of ethics and conduct of insurance and takaful brokers. Any breach of this rule will be referred to the Sub-Committee for Disciplinary. Here is a list of MITBA Members:

Board of Directors

In accordance with MITBA's Constitution, the Association is managed by its Board of Directors, consisting of no more than nine (9) individuals from among the Members. They are selected during the Annual General Meeting to serve for two (2) consecutive years. These individuals generously contribute their valuable time, expertise, and knowledge to drive an ambitious and agenda to meet its mission and vision.

The present elected Board of Directors for the Years 2023/2025

Compliance & Disciplinary,
Communications & Public Relations

Mr Vicky Rajaratnam
Howden Insurance Brokers Sdn Bhd

Deputy Chairman

Technical Services
Education & Training

Mr Sudirman Hamzah
SP&G Gallagher Insurance Brokers Sdn Bhd

Honorary Secretary
Secretariat & Human Resources

Technical Services

Ms Jasminder Kaur
MP Honan Insurance Brokers Sdn Bhd

Honorary Treasurer
Secretariat & Human Resources

Communications & Public Relations

Mr Phung Yoke Boo
Perinsu (Broker Insurans) Sdn Bhd

Committee Member
Communications & Public Relations

Mr Jeffrey Ho Boon Chow
Perinsuran (Brokar) Sdn Bhd

Committee Member
Technical Services

Mr Francis Chan Wong Pun
Antah Insurance Brokers Sdn Bhd

Committee Member
Education & Training

Mr Stewart Hoe Wai Kian
State Insurance Brokers Sdn Bhd
MITBA Secretariat

Chief Executive Officer

Prof. Dato' Shazme Sulaiman


Ms Josephine Louis

Admin Executive

Ms Fatin Nadhirah

History of MITBA

In the early 1960s, there were very few brokers, and those already trading were mainly foreign-based brokers. These brokers decided to establish the Council of Insurance Brokers (CIB) as a platform to promote the broking business.

By the 1970s, the number of insurance brokers expanded significantly, leading them to form an Association. On December 3, 1974, The Insurance Brokers Association of Malaysia, or its acronym IBAM, was founded under the Registration of Society Act. The initial objective was to provide a means to discuss members' problems of common interest and negotiate with other insurance associations, regulatory bodies, and authorities.

To reflect the inclusion of Takaful Brokers as members of the association, on August 1, 2006, IBAM was renamed malaysian Insurance and Takaful Brokers Association, or MITBA.

The current membership comprises 24 composite brokers, and 2 Takaful broker (Takaful Brokers- Specialised)

Today, it is the largest and the only Insurance and Takaful broker organization in Malaysia, having established itself as the industry's most powerful and authoritative voice.

Unit 303 Block A, Pusat Dagangan Phileo Damansara II.
No.15,Jalan 16/11.Off Jalan Damansara,
46350 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Tel: + 603 79608191 / 79609476